Education Program
Education program helps inmates to recover self-respect, overcome social disconnection, and dream of new lives as well. Furthermore, education and rehabilitation system for the disabled are operated to lead to the successful return to the society.
Intensive Personality Education
The classification review consists of the classification research that looks into individual inmate's personal information and the classification examination that conducts personality, intelligence and aptitude test. Inmates are classified in different treatment levels for facilities, custody and work. In addition, regular and irregular reviews are carried out through their prison terms to adjust the treatment levels according to the degree of improvement of the inmates.
Academic Education
KCS helps inmates to fulfill disconnected academic ability and return to the society as healthy citizens through school qualification exam and various commissioned education
Disabled comprehensive rehabilitation
A comprehensive reformation center for disabled inmates was established in Yeoju correctional institution. The center helps inmates with physical disability to successfully return to the society by implementing various programs including specialized educational and correctional programs, reformation programs and programs supporting starting a business or landing a job.
Reformation Program
Various art programs reduce cultural gap and religious activities purify inmates' natures, attempting inmates fundamental, inner changes.
Experience of art programs
It has carried out a variety of cultural art programs to help inmates change their inner humanity and successfully return to the society through participation in events and removing cultural gaps. Various experience-type art programs, including Korean music, art, play, and literary events are implemented to cause internal changes. 51 programs are implemented at the present.
Religious Services
To purify the nature of inmates and help them reintegrate into the society as healthy citizens, socially reputed religious figures have been invited to operate religious assembly, religious ceremony, education and counseling.
Family Relationship Recovery Program
Various and amiable family relationship recovery program helps inmates to recover healthy family relationship and prevent family disorganization as well. The programs with family aid in inmates’ emotional stability and healthy environments for self-reliance.
Family Meeting Day·Family Meeting House
Family Meeting Day aims to have inmates’ emotional stability by strengthening family tie. In addition, KCS offers opportunity to stay over one night with family members at the Family Meeting House located outside the correctional facilities.
Family Love Camp
KCS is hosting a Family Love Camp in cooperation with regional health and family support centers to help inmates recover their broken relationship with their family members. During the camp, experts and various family participation programs assist inmates to realize the importance of family and fortify relationship.
Family Visits
It is the system to meet family in the open space without block facility up to 2 hours, strengthening family relationship and promoting emotional stability. Ensuring the family values is helpful in preventing repeat crimes and reintegrating into the society. Since 2015, “Family Visit Program for Socially Disadvantaged” has been extended its enforcement for elderlies, disabled, children, and multi-cultural family.
Correctional Advisors

Correctional advisors are appointed from socially trusted and academically outstanding members who are interested in inmates' correction and edification. They are to counsel, deliver mentoring, support deprived inmates, participate edification events, educate, or conduct religious events.Implements Internet video visit
Reformation Section
Personal counseling, sisterhood with related organizations, reformation performance, offering employment are conducted.
Religion Section
Religious advisors who are working for Christian, Buddhist or Catholic circles help inmates by holding religious assembly, providing religious education programs and counseling service.
Medical Service Section
Medical advisors provide medical treatment and counseling service for inmates.
Employment Section
Employment advisors support inmates so that they can start a business or land a job after returning to the society.
Education Section
Educational advisors with specialty in the academic field instruct inmates in academic courses and vocational training programs.